One of the most tragic genocides in terms of the scale of human casualties took place in 1994 in Rwanda. So, on April 6, 1994, a plane crash of President Juvenal Habyariman led to the mass genocide of the Tutsi people.
Representatives of the Hutu people armed themselves against the Tutsi people in Rwanda, killing their compatriots, neighbors, and even friends. Thousands of civilians were brutally killed, and 7,000 disabled Tutsis, were burned in Sovu Monastery. Оver the course of several months, Rwanda became hell on earth. In just one and a half months, an estimated 500,000 to 1 million people have been killed in Rwanda. The massacre took place before the eyes of various international organizations and the UN peacekeeping contingent. The genocide was later recognized by the UN. April 7th was established by the UN as the International Day of Remembrance of the Rwandan Genocide. Every year, April 7 is celebrated in Rwanda as a day of remembrance of the genocide and various mass events are held.The genocide memorial complex was built in Kigali, Rwanda, in memory of the 100,000 victims of the tragedy, and every year on April 7, this complex marks the day of genocide.