Archive document.
The museum of the complex displays a copy of a document signed by 90 Armenians of Kilvar village of Devechi (Shabran) on the protection of their lives and property and not causing any damage to them, which is considered one of the most important documents of the period related to the events of 1918. This document is connected with the name of Hamdulla Efendi Efendizadeh, a prominent representative of the Guba district, a member of the Azerbaijani Parliament from 1918 to 1920, who oversaw the maintenance of law and order in the Devechi district during the years of anarchy and chaos in the country. Hamdulla Efendi, who started an uprising against the Soviet government in Guba in 1920-1921 and was accused of killing hundreds of golden soldiers in the suppression of the uprising, was arrested in August 1927 and brought to Baku and charged in brigandage.
At that time, the Armenian population of Kilvar village signed a document in defense of Hamdulla Efendi. The document reads: “We, the residents of Kilvar village, signed on August 19, 1927, confirm with our signature that Hamdulla Efendiyev, a resident of Galagah village, has always been kind to us and has never harmed us ; in addition, during the riots of 1905, he advised the neighboring villages to always be at peace with us, and all kinds of conflicts were prevented. From 1918 to 1920, he did not allow anyone to touch us or our property. In general, there has never been national animosity between us and our neighbors. He did all this at heart, not for profit. For this reason, we, the signers below, ask you to take into account all of these facts and sign. “
Not content with just signing the document, the Armenians asked the chairman of the Kilvar village council, A.A. Ambarsumov, to seal the document, and this request was granted.