We present to you the testimony of 18-year-old Suraya Mashadi Dadash gizi, a resident of the village of Khojaly in Javad area, one part of the museum’s expositions, in the fall of 1918 as a witness in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission under the Government of Azerbaijan During the attack of the Armenian Bolsheviks on our village, I with my youngest baby daughter, two younger brothers – 9-year-old Abbasali and 6-year-old Abu Samad, my fellow villagers Annana Allahverdi, Tohva Meshadi Mikail, Qoncha Ibadullah and her baby, Agakishi Ibadullah ran to the mountains and hid behind the hills. Eight Armenian cavalrymen found us and opened fire. We all fell to the ground. The Armenians were gone. Despite the fact that I was injured in my left shoulder, right arm and leg, I survived. My brothers and child were also alive. The rest were dead. I suffered a lot. Soon, the Armenians returned and killed four Muslims whom they brought with them. I asked the Armenians to shoot me. They did not agree and said they were leaving me alive so that my Muslim brothers would see me. When they saw that my child and brothers were alive, they cut them on my chest and killed. The baby of my fellow villager, Qoncha, also survived, but the Armenians killed him too. Muslims from the village of Beshtaly found me and took to their village. They also buried the bodies of killed.