Mamed Khan Takinsky

Mamed Khan Takinsky is a member of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission established by the Government of ADR on July 15, 1918 to investigate the genocide committed by the Armenian Dashnaks against Azerbaijanis.
M.Kh. Takinsky was one of those who served the state and people of Azerbaijan in various positions in the republican period. He was a member of the Extraordinary Investigation Commission (July-December), created by decision of the Government of the Republic of July 15, 1918 to investigate acts of violence and atrocities committed by Armenian-Dashnak forces against the peaceful Muslim population in the South Caucasus. Mamed Khan Takinsky at the end of January 1919 was appointed diplomatic representative of the Government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in Armenia. Dissatisfied with the active diplomatic position of M. Kh. Takinsky in defending national interests, the Dashnak government of Armenia ensured that he was recalled. After the recall, M.Kh. Takinsky was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by decision of the Government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic of October 11, 1919 and held this position until the Sovietization of Azerbaijan.