Historians' opinions: Associate Professor Mustafayev Abdulla, Doctor of Philosophy in History
With the assistance of M.Kh. Takinsky, the Iravan Muslim National Council urgently prepared information about the intolerable situation of Azerbaijanis living in the Iravan governorate in 1919 and sent it to Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He informed some Azerbaijani states in Versailles and the United States in Paris about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the information obtained, the restrictions on the most basic human rights of the enterprises that make up half of Armenia without acquiring the disputed territories, armed bandits are fighting against Muslims, and information about European and American security measures is obtained. It was stated at the end of the information attached to the list of Muslim villages evacuated by Armenians: “If the current situation continues, it is clear that Armenian Muslims are doomed to extinction. As a result, all Armenian Muslims appeal to you, the great powers, for the sake of truth, justice, and humanity, and ask you to consider the situation of Armenian Muslims, stand up for their rights, and lend a helping hand.”
Source: Nakhchivan in Armenia’s policy of genocide and deportation. ADPU publishing house. Baku-2013. page-76/194
