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Fictional "Armenian genocide" and historical truth

Armenians have always “hunted” for land in the territories of other nations in order to create a national institution for themselves. This attempt did not bring them any success for a long time. Armenian authors themselves say that this ethnos is a society born from a hybrid of different ethnic groups in Mesopotamia before BC. Then Armenians gradually began to appear in the Asia Minor peninsula. Trying to show themselves as “hosts”, these creatures headed to the Balkans. However, they behaved inappropriately there as well, and were expelled from there due to their misbehavior. The soft-hearted Turkish-Muslim people gave them the possible shelter, even though they were on mountains and rocks. After that, the migration of Armenians to the South Caucasus began gradually, from time to time. April 24 – where does fictional “Armenian Genocide” day come from? Armenian author Akop Keshishyan evaluates it as follows: “We were all saddened by the declaration of April 24 as the day of the Armenian massacre by the Orthodox Church in Beirut, incited by the Greeks. Let us inform you that the term “Armenian genocide” was coined by the Armenian church in the 50s of the last century and later turned into a big campaign with the support of the Armenian lobby. The pro-Armenian forces try to take advantage of those events as a tool even today. In fact, at that time, there were not as many Armenians as were allegedly killed in Turkey. Although some Armenian historians say that this number is 600 thousand, and some 1 million, Russian sources write that this number is 2 million, knowing that this is a lie. The variety of figures given by Armenian and Russian writers regarding the “Armenian genocide” of 1915 is a clear proof that this event is a artifice. Turkish scientists have conducted a lot of serious research in the last ten years. One fact can be cited from these studies that the names, surnames and documents of many Armenians, whose names were mentioned during the resettlement movement in 1915, presented by Armenians, were officially released from other places in 1916-1917-1918. However, the Armenians wrote them as having died in the events of April 1915. But we must not forget one fact that if 1.5 million Armenians had been killed at that time, there would have been one or two Armenians left in the world today.”
Fictional “Armenian genocide” never happened in Turkey in 1915. This is nothing but a manifestation of the jealous attitude and prejudice of the major world powers towards the growing economic power and international influence of the Turkic world, towards the Turkish race, and an Armenian fabrication!


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