Khalil-bey Hasmamedov was born in 1873 in Ganja. H. Hasmamedov, who devoted his whole life, knowledge and skills to the struggle for the freedom of his people, represented Azerbaijan in the II and III State Dumas of Russia.
In April 1917, he participated in the All-Russian Congress of Muslims in Baku, and in May-in Moscow, at the first congress of the Musavat party, he was elected a member of the central committee. In 1917, he participated in the All-Russian Congress of Muslims in Baku in April, and in Moscow in May.
One of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, Khalil-bek Hasmamedov, served as the first Minister of Justice of Azerbaijan and, taking into account national interests, for the first time developed the position of the Ministry of Justice in the context of secular values.
As a result of the April occupation of 1920, he was forced to emigrate to Turkey. Khasmamedov led his struggle in emigration mainly with a pen, in a word, speaking with articles of political content in newspapers and magazines “New Caucasus”, “Azerbaijan-Turk”, “Land of Fire”, “Information of Azerbaijan”, “Prometheus”, “Caucasus”, “Independence” and “Salvation”.