The 31 of March tragedy, the most well-known example of Azerbaijan’s historical servitude, is a sorrowful day. The 31 of March should be remembered, and we should know that on this black day our enemies encroached upon our rights… They wanted to cross a bloody line our existence and fortune. Let us remember this sorrowful day. Let us be mourning. Because on that day they broke our hope and confidence. Because on that day our people and nation experienced the largest savagery and tyranny. Mourning will make us know solidarity, feel the pleasure of dying and giving sacrifice for the Homeland. Mourning will be a moral pillar of our freedom and sovereignty. Dying for freedom and sovereignty is an honour, living a duty.
Hey martyrs, lie in peace! Respect and regards to you, hey heroes of the Homeland! Greetings and prayers to you, hey patriots of the nation!
“Istiglal” newspaper, 29 March 1919, № 7, Baku.