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From the pen of historians - Doctor of Philosophy in History Guntekin Najafli
As a result of the genocidal policy carried out by the Republic of Ararat, which relied on the support of the Great Powers to “cleanse” the South Caucasus, including Eastern Anatolia, of the Turkish-Muslim population, in addition to the Nakhchivan region of Azerbaijan, the villages inhabited by Azerbaijanis in the Iravan region, which is the historical land of Azerbaijan, were completely destroyed. its population was displaced from their homes.
After the failure of the attempts of the Armenians and their patrons to create an independent Armenian state in Eastern Anatolia during the First World War and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Turkish lands as a result of the October coup of 1917, the idea of creating an Armenian state on the territory of the Iravan province began to be realized.
Source: Genocides committed by Armenians against the Turkish-Muslim population in Eastern Anatolia, Nakhchivan and Iravan
(1918-1920)– pp. 40-41


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