Elchin Garayev, researcher of the Irevan khanate, author of many articles in this field, doctor of philosophical sciences in history, spoke about the Irevan khanate, the heroic struggle of the Irevan khanate against foreign invaders, resettlement and genocide in the early 19th century. At our request, he presented a scientific report to the audience of the Genocide Memorial Complex. We thank the historian and wish him success in his work. We present you a link to a lecture and an article written by Elchin Garaev. The photographs used belong to the collection of Amir Ali Sardari Irawani, the only successor of the Irewan khanate. thanks http://www.science.gov.az/forms/doktora-filosofii-instituta-istorii/1262?fbclid=IwAR2tYN7_kCga6Km_4mb2QX6-9WlKhDj2-JMOzzwRawjkRg4I7pwjRyBS5kE