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One of the pearls of our cultural heritage - the Azerbaijani carpet. / 5 May, 2020

Today is the holiday of professional carpet weavers in Azerbaijan. With this event, we congratulate all the people working in this sphere.
Azerbaijani richly decorated carpets are famous in the world. Thus, one of the four groups of carpets in the world is the Azerbaijani carpet group, which differs from others by its compositional richness.Especially, the carpets of the Guba-Shirvan carpet-weaving school, which belongs to the Azerbaijani carpet group, in various forms, including totems and symbols, reflects the the nature, history, culture, beliefs and convictions of the places where it was woven . For this reason, Azerbaijani carpets are evaluated not only as an example of art, but also as a historical value. In 2010, at the 5th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, the Azerbaijani carpet was included in the list of cultural heritage.


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