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How was destroyed Chambarakand cemetery

In the middle of 1939, the Central Committee of the party decided to carry out landscaping and construction work in Baku. The implementation of the decision was entrusted to the Baku Council, for which the necessary instructions were given to the construction departments. It was planned to build up the foothills and mountain areas, to build new houses and gardens on the streets and squares in place of dilapidated houses. Everyone knew which areas of the city were considered foothills. These areas have long been remembered by people of Baku as “upper quarters”. There was no one who did not know it. At that time, Agababaov (Agababyan) was appointed chairman of the Baku Council. Agababyan, who was appointed to this post at the request of the international leaders of the republic, was improving the territories inhabited by Armenians in Baku and achieving his goal. There was an ancient cemetery in the area called the mountain park. Azerbaijanis killed by Armenians in the March genocide were buried in that area. In order to destroy this cemetery, a park was being built in the area with a special order. Thus, an area with our historical blood memory was destroyed.
Historian, researcher Elmar Hasanli


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