Armenian ancestry and resettlement to the Caucasus in the works of Armenian authors (quotes)
● If there were not the famous “Turkmenchay Contract” of 1828, Griboedov and Abovyan, as well as Russian soldiers, there would not be hundreds of newly created Armenian centers, which have turned into modern villages and cities today.
B. Ishkhanyan. “Peoples of the Caucasus,” Petrograd. 1916, page 18.
● Just In the last decade (60s and 70s), more than 200,000 Armenians moved to their homeland.
Zori Balayan. “Hearth”, pp. 120, 192,273.
● Historian Karakashyan, who was interested in the past of Armenians, wrote, “There is no information about the past of Armenians that could be considered history or annals.”
Karakashyan. “History of the Eastern Question.” London, 1905.
● Armenian writer and scientist Nalbandian also confirmed, “The Armenian people settled in the territories located in the upper Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The indigenous inhabitants of these places (Hittites, Hurrites, Urarts) were highly developed peoples.
Nalbandian V.S. “Armenian Literature.” M., 1976. p. 7
● Armenian scientist Manuk Abeкyan further developed this idea and came to the following conclusion about the hazy past of Armenians: “What is the origin of the Armenian people, how and when, where and in what ways they got to these places, with which tribes they were associated before and after they became Armenians, what influenced their language and ethnic composition?” We do not have credible and accurate evidence to support these claims. “
Manuk Abekyan. “History of Armenian literature.” Yerevan. 1975. p. 11