The first congress of the Musavat party was held in the Ismailiyya building in Baku on October 26-31, 1917.
It should be noted that the first program of the Musavat Party consisted of 9 articles and had an Islamic character. After Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh returned to Baku from the immigration in 1913, the program of the Musavat Party was improved and enriched with the ideas of Turkism. The Achig Soz newspaper, which began publishing in October 1915 under the editorship of Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh, was also published as the press organ of the Musavat Party. The newspaper was the first in the history of the Azerbaijani press which published “in Turkish literary language”.
It is clear that in June 1917, the “Musavat” Party and the “Turk Edemi Merkeziyyet” party merged and became the “Turk Edemi Merkeziyyet Party – Musavat”. The party continued its activities in Baku and one branch in Ganja.
Thus, in October 1917, the “Turk Edemi Party-Musavat” announced its program. The first main document of the Musavat party was the document that reflected this program. Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh spoke at the congress attended by 500 people.
As it is known, the congress had accepted a new party program consisting of 76 articles. The program of the Musavat party, which was the All-Azerbaijani Party, included state and autonomy, national issues, religious issues, rights (citizenship), economic issues, financial issues, land issues, labor issues, and justice issues. Also, many important issues were reflected in the document
The second congress of the party was held on December 2-12, 1919. At this congress, Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh was re-elected as a chairman of the party.