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  • (023)335-37-07
Today in history. According to a resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 1, 2005, January 27 is marked as International Holocaust Remembrance Day each year.

During World War II (1939-1945), millions of European Jews were massacred solely on the basis of their ethnicity.
When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, he began to restrict the rights of Jews. The catastrophe, which began with the gradual erosion of Jewish rights, culminated in the November 1938 genocide and the destruction and burning of hundreds of historic synagogues, Jewish shops, homes, and other property. As a result of these genocides, 400 official Jews were killed and 36,000 Jews were relocated to death camps.
The exact number of dead at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland, liberated by the Soviet army on January 27, 1945, could not be determined. The majority of the documents relating to those who died in that camp were destroyed. According to the Nuremberg tribunal, Jews made up 90% of the 2.8 million people killed in the camp.
As a country that has been subjected to Armenian vandalism and genocide, Azerbaijan’s state and people feel sorry for the genocides committed against the Jewish people, and various commemorative events are held in our country each year to commemorate the Holocaust victims.


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