April 25, 1918 - Organization of the Council of People's Commissars of the Baku Soviet

The Bolsheviks, who captured Baku and the Baku province in March 1918, established the Baku Council of People’s Commissars on April 25, 1918 as a new Soviet body of power to temporarily strengthen their political power in Baku. The Baku City Duma, which had been operating until that time, headed by Fatali Khan Khoysky, was dissolved. In fact, S. Shaumyan, who was elected chairman of the “Armenian Soviet Government” Baku Council of People’s Comissars, consisting of strong nationalist Armenians and Russian Bolsheviks closely cooperating with them, as well as Foreign Affairs Commissioner, People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs P.A.Chaparidze, Justice Commissioner A.B. Karinyan, Transport Commissioner Markaryan , chairman of the emergency commission Ter-Gabrelyan, commissioner of state control A.S. Bogdanov, labor commissioner Y.D. Zevin were elected. The Azerbaijani commissioners were mainly entrusted with agricultural issues. Nariman Narimanov was the People’s Commissar for Urban Economy, while Mir Hasan Vezirov was for Land Affairs. Bütün köhnə hakimiyyət orqanları ləğv edərək yeniləri ilə əvəzlindı. A military tribunal, an Extraordinary Commission were established, banks, an oil industry, a workers’ and peasants’ militia, city, district and people’s courts were created, and the Caspian merchant fleet was nationalized.
However, on July 31, 1918, the Baku Council of People’s Comissars collapsed . Because it was a fictitious organization that had no national support since its inception, had a weak social base and served the colonial policy of Soviet Russia.