Let's get to know our monuments: PANAHALI KHAN'S PALACE

One of the historical-architectural examples of Armenian vandalism in Aghdam region is the mansion of Panahali Khan, the founder of the Karabakh Khanate.This historical-architectural monument of the 18th century is one of the first estates of the Khan dynasty, consists of two buildings.Probably more buildings were included in the complex built in the first years when Panahali Khan started building the khanate in Karabakh.The Khan’s palace consists of two buildings placed perpendicular to each other. The main body has rooms grouped around a central domed hall. This one-story home features a lounge with a balcony and a spacious, luxurious balcony. The vaulted hall had the character of a divan and Panahali Khan received guests here.In general, the balcony plays the role of the entrance to the building. The second building of the building has an elongated rectangular shape and consists of two rooms. These rooms, whose entrance doors and windows face the courtyard, are also covered with stone architraves.The palace, unlike other khan palaces spread over the territory of Azerbaijan, did not have parade features, but only a luxurious residence. Therefore, it is also called the building of Panahali Khan.
Among the historical, religious and cultural monuments in the territories occupied by the Armenian Dashnaks, the building of Panahali Khan was insulted. Cows and pigs were kept in the Khan’s palace, which was used as a stable.
Destruction of mosques, historical and architectural monuments, desecration of livestock are clear examples of Armenian vandalism, and this fact should be strongly condemned by the international community as a barbaric attitude to the cultural heritage of not only Azerbaijan, but the world as a whole.